
Monday, June 15, 2015

Comments For the Popes Intervention and The Trans -Pacific Conversations

St Francis Intervention


note in regards to the Trans-Pacific deal

You have said, as I stated on your page that this is a deal that can never be changed.
This is not practical.
Any society that is going to continue to live must be free to change; I have, in the plans that i have suggested, as well as other people's plans, such as Jacque Frescoe and my communications to JF stated that the plans include in and of themselves an environment of change.  We must always be testing the works and be prepared to change in order to keep the life of the societies flowing.

My suggestion to you has been that you base your TP on one aspect of works with in the Global agreements.  As it stands in the wording that you included it was too broad and promised confusion and dis-order only.  One step at a time and at this Time regardless of what else you do that focus needs to be the environment.  With global focus on the environment anything else done in any other place towards that end will be wasted.
My plans include and you have seen this already in part, the pipes which will run through the earth to channel the waters that (may, as you predict) into those parts of the globe that are in most need.  I have also suggested to you the laying of works with in the crevises to provide and begin to provide a foundation as the earth begins to go through her changes.
Pope, with-in minutes after I posted the warnings of the God he leads his people after posted the intervention and his determination to begin to work with the climate changes.  This is the reason for the need also of the nuclear work that needs to be accomplished in Iran and other areas, but beginning there as they are.
I have already stated the importance of the monitoring while answering a young man who was (allegedly) from that nation and admittedly was breaking sanctions of the internet so that we know that the need for the monitoring of those countries and our internet is vital to prevent subversion of the sanctions and the seemingly innocent use of apps while breaking those sanctions to communicate with people's who would wish to create groups of division and possible terrorism or the use of the nuclear elements for their own purposes.
I add this here because these all go together, and must always be kept track of.
if the boy was for real, this young supposed teen ager, well, I just scared a little bit of hell out of him and replaced it with the need to be aware.
In case any body think that I make these statements of monitoring in order to make you more submissive, or as one who wants to own you; think again.  I have been the one who was ready to get rid of every satellite in the sky because of my abhorrence of it personally, but have been able and given the time to watch and to listen and to see the need and to then support it in order to create a harmonies shift.  Of course I have included the possibility of change in futures ahead, which was why I began my letters to begin with, in case we ever forget that we were all once of different mind; but here is what I know.
It is going to be ok, as we move along and as those who are SO good at their work continue to work together towards this end in order to see this world held together in a way that their own was not.
Please be patient; God is not finished with you yet.

Now can I go play?

the bugs say yea.
There is a passage in scripture that I used to love very much although it is possible I am the only one I knew who interpreted it as I did.  It spoke of the labor pains of the earth but then it spoke of all of creation holding its breath waiting for the day when the earth and all that was on it would return to the way it once was.
I could give you all kinds of examples but my best example is one that proves that I am not alone in my interpretation.
Watch, do,
The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe.
All creation groans in expectation of the day when it will know life as it once was.
Let's don't wait for that day, really, go HUG a tree!   Kiss a bug.  leap with a frog and swim in the ocean with the other living water beings.
Another scripture tells you, who might be seeking, how to find God; it is found in the praises of the people; for everything.
talk to the life around you; surprise it; and yes, it will be surprised.... it will watch you for awhile and try to determine if you are joking, if you are just weird and then suddenly it will notice that it is noticing you which means that it will also begin to awaken to the life AND ITS OWN LIFE, AROUND IT.

Wake it up.  because Nature just LOVES love.

" (by the side, it is not the bugs who are destroying it.  They have been very happy and interested in what is being written here, and very quiet to night)

Hello.  Are you there?

Do *you* believe that God created the earth?
How do you think that God might react to people destroying His creation? 
You might be surprised.  It took walking away from the church, the teachings of man with-in the church to see a scripture that has been ignored this entire time.  I posted this yesterday elsewhere just before this report o on the Pope came out.

Revelations says it only one time.  As far as i have found it is only in scripture one time, but it is powerful, especially if you link it with other passages about the duty of gods people toward the healing of your land. 
Revelations 11:18 says this: And the nations were enraged, and Your wrath came, and the time came for the dead to be judged, and the time to reward Your bond-servants the prophets and the saints and those who fear Your name, the small and the great, and to destroy those who destroy the earth

"the time to reward Your bond-servants the prophets and the saints and those who fear Your name, the small and the great, and to destroy those who destroy the earth"

"to destroy those who destroy the earth"

This is the words of your own book.  But it is not the Creation or Nature Worshipers that are called to change it, nor is it 'the sinners' or the non-believers who are called to (this) change.  God says that it is 'those who are called by MY (Gods) name' who are called to repent and humble themselves

2 Chronicles 7:14
"and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 15"Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to the prayer offered in this place.…"
He is actually speaking to Solomon, concerning the Israelites, but Romans 11:17 says that you who come to belief through faith, that you, formally a gentile, have now been grafted into that tree which was and is, for those who believe, according to scripture, the Natural family of God. 

Here: If some of the branches have been broken off, and you, though a wild olive shoot, have been grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing sap from the olive root, 18 do not consider yourself to be superior to those other branches. If you do, consider this: You do not support the root, but the root supports you. 19 You will say then, “Branches were broken off so that I could be grafted in.” 20 Granted. But they were broken off because of unbelief, and you stand by faith. Do not be arrogant, but tremble. 21 For if God did not spare the natural branches, he will not spare you either.

My question from this is, "If God has given his people the means through which they can heal the earth and they do not show the faith which brought them into the natural tree and do not take the steps He has given you to do so, then are you not a large part of the destruction of the earth?  A destruction that he will bring also, according to your scriptures, he will bring also that same destruction to those who have not followed his instructions on how You can heal your land?
i know that many of you believe Once saved always saved.  Many do not.  Here is my question on this; "If God did not spare his own, Natural people, because of unbelief it says, then will he willing also to not spare those who have taken the place of the Natural?  Or, if he was willing to allow his own people to perish because they did not believe, then is he going to show any less willingness to destroy the new believers when they stop believing?"

Paul goes on to say "Do not be arrogant, but tremble. 21 For if God did not spare the natural branches, he will not spare you either".

Look...The two passages that I gave you are the only ones I have seen in scripture that talk directly about the earth.  Of course, the first one, in Chronicles was given for the Isrealites, for the healing of Their land.  the second one is given in the last book of the New Testament, which always talks of New Beginnings, and is about endings as well.
I already have shown you how Gods reference to MY people in the OT includes you who have been grafted into his tree in the NT; this is to show you how to take two seemingly unrelated references and see how they work to include present times and that place you stand in now. (@ 2 Chronicles 7
14. Now My Eyes Will Be Open And My Ears Attentive To The Prayer Offered In This Place.…) By Your faith you have put yourself into the place of Gods people and 'your land' covers any place that you stand on.  see.

The Breast Is Second to none
You are destroy Mother in your attempt to gain that.  You have put her resource ahead of the breast itself
Mothers Milk

You are called to stand in the place of ALL Creation.  Why do I say that?
All Creation is of this planet; this is the land on which you stand.  Earth is the planet on which you stand. The reason the earth is called the Mother is because only females can birth  and provide the nourishment while you are still with-in her.  In essence as well as in visual fact, the Earth is the mother.  And an 'entity' or living thing that he cares enough about that he is willing to destroy anybody who destroys that which he placed his charge in, and he has given her, this gift of his world to you take care of!  ALL of the earth is the Lords and all that dwell s in it (there-in)  His words, not mine J

“And the nations were enraged, and Your wrath came, and the time came for the dead to be judged, and the time to reward Your bond-servants the prophets and the saints and those who fear Your name, the small and the great, and
to destroy those who destroy the earth”

See, here is the reason I was so surprised when I found this passage in Revelations.  I had always thought that the ONLY reason God was going to destroy 'this earth' was because he was getting rid of the people who chose not to believe in his son, and himself.  I also believed, as I grew up that, when it said that the earth would be set on fire, this was for a cleansing, since fire is a purifier. But it also says that all of the elements would burn out, would melt*

2 Peter 3 10
10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
And yet, the last book is putting the 'blame' for the earths destruction on the people themselves? 
Who Are these people, who are called by Gods name, both natural and the adopted? (Ephesians 1:5)

In love 5 he[b] predestined us (you)for adoption to sonship[c] through Jesus Christ (he was talking only to the newly grafted here, the romans, not those who had been first called by His name)

1 comment:

starrdusk said...

1. The idea of it never being changed was too far reaching, yet it is necessary to employment a time span when the next parties cannot come in and get rid of something like this before it has been given time to develop stability and to do what it is intended to do.
I have not seen a bottom line on what your goal and reason for the Transspecific agreement.
However, i have suggested that it must be done with a common need for the goal, which is
the need to work as a whole for the environement.

The rest was written for the Christians who insisted still that the saving of the earth is not up to them, human, but to God, and that his return would take care of it all.
It Was specific to that group of people.

More on this all later; please excuse the messiness of these, the ARE notes still.